Building & Living: a platform for networking, synthesis, and transfer
Acceptance study: willingness of the population to forego certain energy services and tolerate new infrastructure projects for the energy transition
Biodiversity and Water management. Development of innovative action options for water management companies to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems.
Regulatory Sandbox H2-Wyhlen – Development and construction of a test bed for renewable, power-based hydrogen production involving the building, transport and industry sectors
Klima RT-Lab: We are researching the transformation process of the City of Reutlingen towards climate neutrality!
Research project Citizens' Dialogue Nuclear Energy (1974 – 1983) – „Lessons from the past“
NETZlabor Hydrogen-Island for the storage of renewable energies
HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems
KLIMASCHUTZ MITWIRKUNG: Public participation in the Integrated Energy and Climate Protection Concept Baden-Württemberg (IEKK)
Living Innovation – Co-Creating the way we live in 2030
Innovative, Non-Invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies
Optimal share and contribution of bioenergy in the energy system and in coupled electricity and CHP-systems in Germany - system oriented evaluation of the cross-sector provision of flexibility of bioenergy plants through coupled electricity and heat generation (incl. e-mobility)
Irrigation Forecast Baden-Württemberg - An interactive information and planning tool for visualization and balancing of the agricultural irrigation needs because of climate change
COping with uNcertainties For Improved modelling and DEcision making in Nuclear emergenCiEs
System Integration and Networks for the Energy Supply (Energy Transition Navigation System) - Kopernikus research project for the energy transition in Germany
Trial of municipal concepts for participation and the distribution of them via a transferring platform and so called "TransformBars"
Mobility school - Learning sustainable mobility
Promoting Societal Engagement under the Terms of Responsible Research and Innovation
History of Nuclear Energy and Society
Evaluation des Beteiligungsprozesses der Kommission zur Lagerung hochradioaktiver Abfallstoffe
Sustainable organization of land utilization and energy supply at regional level. Implementation for the model region Kreis Ahrweiler
Engaging Society in Horizon 2020
Citizen participation in the development of the Bicycle Traffic Plan of the Land of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Study „Energy from the earth's interior: Deep geothermal energy as the energy source of the future?“
Fachdialoge DELIberative DemoKratie: Analysis of participative methods for the transition process
Citizen and public participation in the development of the integrated energy and climate protection concept of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Citizen Participation for Planning the New Stuttgart Main Station
Towards sustainable food research
Is a national park in the northern Black Forest possible and useful? Requirements for assessment
Perception of fusion energy among selected sections of the population
Annotated Bibliography of Stakeholder Participation Manuals
Citizen participation and acceptance of public large-scale projects: Learning for the future. A dialogue between politics, science and the public.
Risk-benefit perception and conflict awareness of the Goliat oil field development in the Barent Sea
Subproject: Societal risk discourses and options of public participation
Effective Risk Communications for the Improvised Explosive Device Threat
Policy addressing climate change and learning about consumer behaviour and everyday life
Mine shaft ASSE II – Evaluating public relations of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS) concerning ASSE
Expert and Civic Participation on Energy Concept
Individual emergency planning in Germany: Emergency case at hand?
Judgement and Knowledge in Fisheries Involving Stakeholders
National Adaptation Strategy on Climate Change
Optimized Strategies for Risk Assessment of Industrial Chemicals through Integration of Non-test and Test-Information
Commercial real estate pool Hesse: Establishing Intercommunity Industrial Zones in The State of Hesse Via Round Tables
Evaluation of the European Citizens’ Panel
Evaluation of the Project “European Citizens’ Consultation”
Evaluation of the recommendation of the Council for Sustainable Development for the "30 ha target"
Regional Industrial Real Estate Pool Neckar-Alb
Innovative measures for the resolution of siting conflicts on the mobile phone base stations