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Trial of municipal concepts for participation and the distribution of them via a transferring platform and so called "TransformBars"

Brief description

"TransformBar" coordinates participation of citizens and guides volunteer work for cultural and social issues into long-term involvement. The municipalities Münsingen and Treuenbrietzen try new paths regarding the cooperation of citizens and administration. Researchers in social science and environmental psychology accompany and analyse this process.

DIALOGIK contribution

The project "TransformBar" is a cooperation between the municipalities Münsingen and Treuenbrietzen and researchers of DIALOGIK, Georg-August-University of Göttingen and e-fect dialog evaluation consulting eG.

DIALOGIK contributes to the three main phases of the project:
First, the researchers conduct stakeholder interviews to find out about the local needs for sustainable projects. In the course of this, the social and structural conditions of the region are identified. Concrete ideas for projects are developed on the basis of the interviews and their particular implementation potential is analyzed.

Second, together with dedicated citizens the researchers design conceptual frameworks (personnel, structural, financial, competence requirements etc.) for the most promising projects.

On this basis, the projects are, third, initiated in Münsingen and Treuenbrietzen and stabilized as far as possible. Furthermore, local TransformBars are conducted, in which exchange and mutual learning between the initiators are promoted in an informal manner.

At the beginning of the project, a Good-Practice analysis is conducted, in which interviews with initiators of successful municipal sustainability projects are conducted throughout Germany. The results of this analysis enter all three phases of the project.

Project partners

  • Georg-August-University of Göttingen
  • City of Treuenbrietzen
  • City of Münsingen
  • e-fect dialog evaluation consulting eG