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Mobility school - Learning sustainable mobility

Brief description

The Mobility School contributes to the development and dissemination of alternative and more sustainable forms of mobility. The project is jointly carried out with the association electrify BW and targets those who are in a window-of-opportunity-situation: student drivers and driving instructors. It is the project's aim to educate student drivers not only in term of driving competence, but rather in terms of mobility competence, i.e. to enable students to advance their mobility network ("inter-modular mobility": combining various forms of mobility like car sharing, public transport, biking, walking, using an energy-efficient car, etc.).

Following a three-fold approach, we will first develop a concept to educate driving instructors on these issues, so that in turn they will be able and willing to educate their student drivers within theory lessons. Secondly, the project offers the opportunity to driving schools to make use of an electric vehicle (part of a car sharing company in Stuttgart) for specific driving lessons. This allows student drivers to gain experience regarding the use of electric vehicles and also regarding the use of a car sharing concept. In a third step, we will invite drivers of various states of experience (beginners as well as senior drivers) to experience the benefits of inter-modular mobility and to advance their understanding of navigating through a city with different forms of mobility. This last step is designed as a game happening in the public space that represents the participants' every-day-infrastructure.

The Mobility School is carried out in cooperation with the Future City Lab Real-world Laboratory for sustainable mobility of Stuttgart University and is conceptualized as an additional, externally funded real-world experiment.

DIALOGIK contribution

DIALOGIK's role focuses on the project's scientific evaluation, with the task to develop criteria for assessing the project's effects of people's mobility behavior. This work package thus deals with the new and innovative challenges the design of a real-world experiment poses to traditional methods in the social sciences. Besides this main focus, DIALOGIK also actively contributes to the work packages that aim at educating student drivers and driving instructors alike: we will provide methodical and substantial input concerning the advisory concept for driving instructors (how can driving instructors be persuaded to educate student drivers on inter-modular mobility?). We will also develop a methodical sound instrument to assess the participants' progress within the Mobility School. This is directly linked to the development of criteria to assess the project's effectiveness concerning the dissemination of sustainable forms of mobility.

Project partners

Electrify BW