Brief description
DELIKAT aims to mediate between practical experiences and the theoretical, scientific perspective. Therefore, the potential of different forms of participation will be demonstrated. The potential to transform the current political system, into a cooperative and deliberative democracy, will be emphasized. A normative perspective will serve as the basis of the project (i.e. What is desirable?). As a result, strategies will be developed and presented. These strategies will aim to develop new formats and to improve existing formats in regard to their potential to be integrated within the political system.
- During the first, analytical, phase, existing online and offline participation procedures will be catalogued. These will then be analyzed, in regard to their characteristics, and logically arranged in a “Participation Grid”.
- In the second phase, two expert dialogues will be conducted. These will refine and/or replenish the “Participation Grid”. Additionally, they will assess feasible developmental pathways, which can lead to a participative democratic system, by developing scenarios.
- In the third, deductive, phase of the project, conclusions will be derived and formulated using precedent results. This will be approached from the perspective of democracy theory. Specific policy recommendations will be offered.
DIALOGIK contribution
DIALOGIK is responsible for the coordination of the project, as well as for research, analysis and the development of the “Participation Grid”.
Project partners
- The Nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research
- Center for Technology and Society (Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft – ZTG) of the TU Berlin