Brief description
Are citizens able to help themselves and others before professional help arrives? Are they prepared for smaller or larger emergencies? Experts and practitioners from the fire brigades and other help organisations often argue that ordinary people lack practical knowledge and are not willing to purchase equipments or join first aid courses. In case of fire, as an example, they do the wrong things or avoid helping others who are injured.
The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz, BBK) funded an analysis for chances to increase the motivation for developing a personal emergency plan among individuals. The leading project partner is the Chair of Insurance Business at the University of Karlsruhe.
DIALOGIK has been successful in enlisting two pilot municipalities (Birkenau and Au am Rhein) and has conducted several Round Table sessions. The local partners discussed in-depth the opportunities and barriers for individual emergency planning. Both municipalities have been building up a network of actors and have planned actions throughout the year of 2010 for motivating people to prepare for unlikely but potentially disastrous incidences.