Regulatory Sandbox H2-Wyhlen – Development and construction of a test bed for renewable, power-based hydrogen production involving the building, transport and industry sectors
Analysis of the peer-2-peer marketing of electricity and development of a balancing group management 2.0
The future of sector coupling on a communal level – co-creating, evaluating and acting
Responsible innovation for the energy transition: development and implementation of an indicator system to increase the societal acceptability of new energy transition technologies
Fighting pandemics with enhanced risk communication
Research project Citizens' Dialogue Nuclear Energy (1974 – 1983) – „Lessons from the past“
Target group specific risk communication requirements during a long-lasting COVID-19 crisis.
NANOtechnology RIsk GOvernance
NETZlabor Hydrogen-Island for the storage of renewable energies
REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through Engagement of Stakeholders