The involvement of practitioners in transdisciplinary sustainability research imposes special demands on the organisation of the research process. Approaches of participatory modelling claim to improve the quality of models and simulations and the scientific knowledge gained from them by using the expertise of practitioners and stakeholders, and to increase the traceability and understanding of scientific results among the actors involved.
In the book chapter “Lernfeld partizipative Modellierung: Prozessgestaltung in transdisziplinären Projekten” (Learning area participatory modelling), DIALOGIK authors Marion Dreyer, Wilfried Konrad, and Dirk Scheer show that participative modelling requires a process design that integrates both scientific-technical and communicative-participative expertise. This outcome is derived, among other things, from the findings of the CO2BRIM project, in which DIALOGIK developed and implemented a participation concept for the simulation of CO2 capture and storage scenarios.
The book chapter has been published in the anthology "Simulieren und Entscheiden" of the new Springer series "Sozialwissenschaftliche Simulationen und die Soziologie der Simulation" (Social Science Simulations and the Sociology of Simulation).