Research associate and project leader
+49 6221 6733 986
scheer [at]
Completed projects (selection)
- Bioeconomy Dialogue: Concept "Societal Dialogue Bioeconomy"
- Good Governance Bioeconomy: Bioeconomy as a socio-technical implementation challenge: framework and requirements for "Good Governance"
- InnoSmart: Participatory shaping of consumer-oriented innovations for smart grids
- CO2BRIM: Multi-stage and regional-scale characterization of potential CO2 storage formations with particular focus on brine migration risks – an integrated natural and social science approach
Professional focus
- Social-science based energy research
- Technology acceptance research
- Knowledge transfer and management at the science-policy interface
- Participation and risk research
- Future knowledge
Professional experience and qualifications
- since 2011 research associate at DIALOGIK
- since 2017 research associate AT Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
- 2008 until 2017 research associate at Stuttgart Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS) at University Stuttgart, Stuttgart
- 2001 until 2008 research associate at Institute for Economic Environmental Research (IÖW) gGmbH, Berlin / Heidelberg
- 2000 until 2001 graduate student assistant at German Center for Research on Aging, University of Heidelberg
- Graduate Student Assistant
- 2013 Ph.D at University of Stuttgart
Selected publications
- Dratsdrummer, F; Konrad, W.; Scheer, D. (2020): Emscher-Umbau: Chance für nachhaltige Mobilitätsoptionen. In: Proff, H. (ed.): Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität. Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte. Wiesbaden: Spinger Gabler, 409-418.
- Scheer, D., Konrad, W., Wassermann, S. (2017): The good, the bad, and the ambivalent: A qualitative study of public perceptions towards energy technologies and portfolios in Germany, Energy Policy. Energy Policy 100, p. 89–100
- Scheer, D., Konrad, W., Kissinger, A., Class, H., Noack, V., Knopf, S. (2015): Expert involvement in science development: (re-)evaluation of an early screening tool for carbon storage site characterization, in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 37, p. 228–236
- Scheer, D., Konrad, W., Renn, O., Scheel, O. (2014): Energiepolitik unter Strom: Alternativen der Stromerzeugung im Akzeptanztest, München: Oekom-Verlag.
- Dreyer, M., Konrad, W., Scheer, D. (2015): Partizipative Modellierung: Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus einer Methodengenese, in: Niederberger, M., Wassermann, S. (Hrsg.): Methoden der Experten- und Stakeholdereinbindung in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 261-285.
- Scheer, D. (2013): Computersimulationen in politischen Entscheidungsprozessen: Zur Politikrelevanz von Simulationswissen am Beispiel der CO2-Speicherung, Springer SV, Wiesbaden.