Brief description
NANORIGO is a collaboration between 27 partners from 14 different European countries and one global advisory board. The project will develop and implement a transparent, transdisciplinary and active Risk Governance Framework (RGF) and establish the basis of a related Council (RGC) for manufactured nanomaterials and nano-enabled products.
The RGF will be developed through engagement with stakeholders across research, industry, regulation and civil society, and will be based on high-quality scientific data and tools for the physicochemical characterization of nanomaterials, and the assessment of exposure, hazard and risks for humans and the environment.
The NANORIGO consortium will work closely with the two other risk governance projects funded under the same NMBP-13-2018 call: RiskGONE and Gov4Nano, that are addressing the same goal, to ultimately ensure a sustainable and equitable RGF and RGC developed for nanotechnology in Europe.
DIALOGIK contribution
The main part of DIALOGIK’s project activities is carried out under three work packages (WP).
WP3: Development of a science-based transdisciplinary risk governance framework (RGF)
The main objective of WP3, and the main task of DIALOGIK under this WP, is the development of a novel Risk Governance Framework (RGF). The key outcome will be a RGF with validated tools that can be integrated and transferred into regulation covering all aspects of risk assessment and risk management.
WP4: Establishing a sustainable European Risk Governance Council
WP4 will establish a transparent, self-sustained and science-based European Nanotechnology Risk Governance Council (NRGC) that is regulatory, stakeholder and internationally accepted.
The WP4 will suggest first a vision, mission and objective of the Council and then tentative statutes and operating rules, a 'code of conduct for members’ and ‘membership rules’.
DIALOGIK will establish collaborations with international experts and organisations, to enhance the multi-stakeholder nature of the NRGC, to strengthen its relevance concerning issues discussed at the international level and prepare formal partnerships.
In close cooperation with EPFL, DIALOGIK will organize four virtual workshops and deliver a potential structure of NRGC, a database of NRGC members and proceedings of four virtual workshops.
In the second and third year of the project, DIALOGIK will monitor changes relevant to the design of the NRGC for sustainability and responsibility and will give recommendations to the structure of the Council.
WP6: Ensure consistency and synergy of the developed RGF with relevant EU, EU-US and OECD actions
The main objective of WP6 is to internationalize the RGF. DIALOGIK analyses in WP6 the factors which can support an adoption of the RGF at institutional level or could induce its rejection.
Project partners
Aarhus University (AU) – KOORDINATOR (Denmark)
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) (Germany)
De Proeffabriek – Schuurbiers Daniel (DPF) (Netherlands)
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Switzerland)
Eidgenössischer Materialprüfungs- und forschungsanstalt (EMPA) (Switzerland)
Engineering, technical & scientific services (ETSS AG) (Switzerland)
Environmental Assessment (ENAS) – SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR (Germany)
European Environmental Citizen Organisations for Standardisation (ECOS) (Belgium)
Fraunhofer Society; Institute for Molecular Biology&Applied Ecology (IME) (Germany)
Grupo Antolin Ingeniería, SA (GAI) (Spain)
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) (Germany)
Instituto tecnológico del embalaje, transporte y logística (ITENE) (Spain)
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) (Greece)
Oeko-Institut e.V. Institute for Applied Ecology (OEKO) (Germany)
Onderzoek en Adviesgroep Questions, Answers and More BV (Bureau KLB) (Netherlands)
Optimat Ltd (OPTIMAT) (United Kingdom)
Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg (PLUS) (Austria)
Quercus ANCN (Quercus) (Portugal)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) (Portugal)
Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology e.V., (DECHEMA) (Germany)
Transgero Ltd. (TGO) (Ireland)
Tyoterveyslaitos (FIOH) (Finland)
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) (Austria)
University of Aveiro (UAVR) (Portugal)
University of Bremen (UBREMEN) (Germany)
Univerza v Ljubljani (UL) (Slovenia)
Women Engage for a Common Future France (WECF France) (France)