Certified mediator
Head of section Risk
+49 176 2284 6463
sellke [at] dialogik-expert.de
Completed projects (selection)
- Evaluation of European Citizens’ Panel
- Risk Governance of European Critical Infrastructures in the ICT and Energy Sector
- PIRATE: Public Information Response after Terrorist Events
- PROSUITE: Development and application of a standardized methodology for the prospective sustainability assessment of technologies
- CIED Phase I: Effective Risk Communication for the Improvised Explosive Device Threat
- Risk Governance in the Baltic Sea
- Risk Governance of Emerging Risks
- Citizen Panel S21
- Energy Survey Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Fortress, Foresight tools for cascading events in crisis
Professional focus
- Moderation and mediation in stakeholder discourses
- Risk research in the areas of terrorism, security, critical infrastructures
- Risk communication and risk perception
- Risk Governance
Professional experience and qualifications
- Since 2004 Researcher at the University of Stuttgart
- Since 2006 Researcher and project leader at Dialogik
- 2015 Certification as Mediator
- Since 2015 teaching position at the Technical University of Vienna
- Since 2016 Section Head Risk Research with Dialogik
Selected publications
- Sellke, P. / Cornelisse, C. / Renn, O. (2007): European Citizens‘ Panel: Final Report of the External Evaluation. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Risiko- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung.
- Sellke, P. / Renn, O. (2011): Risiko Governance in einer komplexen Welt. In: Groß, M. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag.
- Sellke, P. / Renn, O. (2010): Risk, Society and Environmental Policy: Risk Governance in a Complex World. In: Gross, M. / Heinrichs, H. (eds): Environmental Sociology: European Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Challenges. Springer.