Brief description
The Building & Living Platform develops and evaluates solutions to central challenges in the building sector, including affordable housing, resource and climate-friendly construction, climate adaptation of cities, and addressing new forms of living and lifestyles, up to the potential of smart cities. The project brings together relevant stakeholders, combines knowledge from the social sciences with that of the natural and technical sciences, and imparts practical knowledge while stimulating concrete economic activity.
The results of this dialogue are presented to policymakers as options and recommendations for action, including adapting the regulatory framework.
DIALOGIK contribution
As part of the transdisciplinary exchange between science, stakeholders, and the public, DIALOGIK develops and implements two dialogue formats for the Building & Living Platform: Firstly, Group Delphis, which aim to integrate expertise and assessments from experts in science, stakeholder communities, and the project's advisory board. Secondly, citizens' councils, which incorporate the perspectives of people from selected metropolitan regions.