On 13 and 14 June 2023, the first symposium of the Energy Research Networks will take place in Berlin (and online). At this symposium, DIALOGIK is co-hosting the workshop "Where do we stand in research on society's participation in the energy transition?" with the University of Hohenheim/ Chair of Innovation Economics. The workshop will cover:
- New(er) concepts (e.g. societal resonance, responsible research and innovation, etc.) and analytical perspectives (e.g. systemic conflict analyses, etc.) with direct or indirect reference to the participation topic - where are there fruitful shifts in emphasis?
- New or more prominent energy transition actors who, for example, can play a special role in the "social resonance" of energy transition research and measures (e.g. members of the eaD/Federal Association of Energy and Climate Protection Agencies in Germany e.V.) - who should be more closely involved in research?
- New or intensifying areas of tension with relevance for questions of participation and acceptance (e.g. "fast or democratic energy transition") - how to deal with these areas of tension and the new framework conditions underlying them (Russia's war of aggression, increasing importance of energy sovereignty, intensifying climate change) in terms of content and empirical methodology in the research projects?