Before the year 2019 comes to an end and with it the funding period of "TransformBar", we would like to take a brief look back, but also venture an outlook! Much of what was initiated in the project will continue in 2020.
In Treuenbrietzen a position for citizen participation was created and principles for citizen information and participation were passed.
Through the inter-municipal exchange format "TransformBar" we have met municipalities that are all confronted with similar questions. They were able to learn from each other and from the project's findings. The insights of the TransformBars project continue to circulate via the "Participation Brochure", but above all via the website.
In the meantime the website shows 60 innovative places and enjoys great popularity. In the new year, the website will be continued by Peter Schmuck on a voluntary basis.
In our press review as well as the current blog article on the "Secret of Success" (in German) you will get an insight into the events and findings of the project.