The Design Report published in the journal GAIA reflects on the challenges of a large-scale project without a designated problem and project constitution phase for inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. The team of authors, which includes Dr. Marion Dreyer and Dr. Piet Sellke of DIALOGIK, uses the example of the Kopernikus project Energy Transition Navigation System (ENavi) to describe the challenges – the high number and strong heterogeneity of the project participants, combined with the large size of the spatial frame of reference - which created particularly difficult conditions for inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation. The paper also highlights the role that funding conditions played in this situation and draws a number of lessons from the ENavi experience for inter- and transdisciplinary research regarding large-scale projects.
Dreyer, M., Bergmann, M., Marg, O., Ober, S. & Sellke, P. (2021). Too big not to fail? Über Design und Ausführung von inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschung am Beispiel des Großprojekts ENavi. GAIA 30/1, 29-34.