DELPHISTAR – Delphi reporting guideline published

As part of the DFG-funded DeWiss network, a reporting guideline for Delphi procedures has been developed and published in the EQUATOR network with the participation of DIALOGIK as a working group member.


  • Improve, harmonize and make the reporting in publications on Delphi studies comparable
  • Facilitate the evaluation of Delphi studies including during peer review processes
  • Reduce inconsistencies and unclear descriptions in publications on Delphi studies
  • Raise awareness of the diversity among the Delphi variants and of their potentials and challenges

DELPHISTAR is a Delphi reporting guideline that is:

  • valid for all Delphi variants (e.g., Classic Delphi, Real-Time Delphi, Group Delphi, Policy Delphi, Argumentative Delphi, Café Delphi);
  • applicable to different purposes (e.g., Delphi studies to establish consensus, to gather expert judgments or to forecast);
  • given equal consideration in the health and social sciences.

The DELPHISTAR research group is a working group of the German-based, academic network DeWiss
focused on Delphi techniques in the health and social sciences. 

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)