Biologist, Mediation trainer

Research associate and project leader
+49 711 3585 2167
wachinger [at]
Completed projects (selection)
- RiCoRT – Risk Communication Requirements for Special Target Groups in a Long Lasting COVID-19-Crisis
- EnAHRgie: Sustainable organization of land utilization and energy supply at regional level. Implementation for the model region Kreis Ahrweiler
- OptiSys: Optimal share and contribution of bioenergy in the energy system
- RIESGOS: Multi-risk analysis and information system components for the Andes region
- CapHazNet- Social Capacity Building For Natural Hazards: Toward More Resilient Societies
- Participation process City of Sindelfingen, Germany
- Don't waste your energies (GRUNDTVIG-LifeLong Learning Programm)
- CREATEaPOOL Round table to solve landuse conflicts in the region of Gießen, Germany
- REGENA (REgionaler GEwerbeflächenpool NeckarAlb), Round table to solve landuse conflicts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Professional focus
- Risk perception
- Risk governance of natural hazards
- Participatory modelling
- Citizen science
- Stakeholder and public participation
- Mediation and facilitation of environmental conflicts
- Mediation trainings
Professional experience and qualifications
- Since 2021 Project BioWaWi – Stakeholder Communication and Citicen Science
- Since 2015: Member of scientific staff at DIALOGIK, projects funded by German ministries: EnAHRgie, OptiSys, RIESGOS, CitizClima (funding of proposal writing).
- 2014: Certified trainer in mediation (certified by the German Association of Mediators, Bundesverband Mediation BM).
- 2012 - 2016: Member of scientific staff at the University of Stuttgart, Institute for Sociology of Technology and Environment (Prof. Ortwin Renn). Conceptualization and coordination of the M.Sc. program "Citizen Participation and Urban Planning". Project coordinator at ZIRIUS - Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies.
- 2009 - 2012: Member of scientific staff at DIALOGIK, EU Project CapHaz-Net
- Since 2005: Self-employed (pro re, participation and mediation). Several mediation and participation projects
- 2005: Professional training in business mediation (certified by the German Society for Business Mediation, DGMW).
- 1999 - 2005: Soil and water remediation. Scientific coordinator (University of Stuttgart) of a nation-wide interdisciplinary research project on natural attenuation in contaminated ground water and soil, dealing with about 60 contaminated industrial sites throughout Germany.
- 1995 - 1999: Biological parameters in prognostic modeling. DFG postdoc funding in the context of a research project on climate change (University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart) for establishing a method to integrate biological soil parameters in numerical prognostic models.
- 1995: Ph.D. in Human Biology (Dr. rer. biol. hum., Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich).
- 1991 - 1994: Molecular virology. Ph.D. project on the interaction of the HIV protease with cellular substrates, funded by the German research foundation (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany).
- 1989 - 1991: Molecular virology. Co-ordination of an EU Concerted Action: "Interaction of HIV with the Cell membrane" (Helmholtz Centre Munich, Germany).
- 1987: University degree in Biology (Dipl. biol., Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich) in microbiology, zoology, immunology and soil sciences.
Selected publications
- Wachinger, G., Keilholz, P. and O’Brian, C (2018): The Difficult Path from Perception to Precautionary Action—Participatory Modeling as a Practical Tool to Overcome the Risk Perception Paradox in Flood Preparedness, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 1-15, DOI 10.1007/s13753-018-0203-8.
- Lukyanenko, R., Parsons, J.., Wiersma, Y., Wachinger, G., Meldt, R. and Huber, B. (2017): Representing Crowd Knowle: Guidelines for Conceptual Modeling of User generated Content. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol 34, 4/2017, p. 227-239.
- Benighaus, C., Wachinger, G. und Renn, O. (Hrsg., 2016): Bürgerbeteiligung –Konzepte und Lösungswege für die Praxis, Metzner-Verlag Frankfurt und Berlin, ISBN 978-3-943951-68-4. (Book: „Citizen Participation“).
- Wachinger, G, Renn, O, Wist, S-K, Steinhilber, S-M and Triemer, U (2014): Using participation to create resilience: how to involve citizens in designing a hospital system? Environment Systems and Decisions, Springer, New York, (DOI) 10.1007/s10669-014-9502-9. P. 298-223.
- Wachinger, G, Begg, C, Renn, O and Kuhlicke, C (2013): The Risk Perception Paradox –Implications for Governance and Communication of Natural Hazards, Risk Analysis, Vol. 33, No 6, June 2013.DOI 0272-4332/12/0100-0001, p.1-17.