Bianca Witzel

M.Sc. Psychology and M.A. Media Science

Research Associate


 +49 711 3585 2166
witzel [at]

Current projects

Completed projects (selection)

  • V4InnovatE: Responsible innovation for the energy transition: development and implementation of an indicator system to increase the societal acceptability of new energy transition technologies
  • SyKonaS: Systemic conflict analysis using scenario techniques. Understanding and anticipating societal conflicts and their interactions in the energy transition and developing possible solutions.
  • LIV_IN: Living Innovation - Co-Creating the way we live in 2030
  • Acceptance study: willingness of the population to forego certain energy services and tolerate new infrastructure projects for the energy transition

Professional focus

  • Innovation and participation research
  • Energy transition, sustainability, human-technology interactions

Professional experience and qualifications

  • Since 2021 Research associate at DIALOGIK
  • 2024 Master of Science Psychology at the Chemnitz University of Technology TUC
  • 2020 – 2021 student trainee at DIALOGIK
  • 2020 Bachelor of Science Psychology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg FAU
  • 2017 – 2020 student trainee at Fraunhofer IIS, Fraunhofer Working Group for Supply Chain Services SCS in Nuremberg, Department: Innovation & Transformation, Team: Human Centered Innovation
  • 2016 Master of Arts Media Studies at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn
  • 2013 Bachelor of Arts Cultural Studies at the University of Koblenz-Landau