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Secure IT-Based Disaster Management System to Protect and Rescue People

Brief description

The objective of the project is to study, understand, and create the foundation for an integrated IT- and simulation-based crisis management system to support the abovementioned operational and crisis command structures with the following core capabilities: Role-oriented information provision, cross-level decision support and integration of simulation capabilities for training, exercises, and evaluation of command and communication processes, and finally for the representation of possible consequences of decisions and actions taken. The research project focuses on a certain scenario based on a natural disaster (thunderstorm including subsequent damages affecting traffic, an airport and trade fair center). Major incidents of interregional dimension have increased in the past years. Therefore effective crisis management needs to include all public and private organizations involved. The protection and rescue of people depend on efficient crisis management. It needs a comprehensive approach to promptly provide crisis managers with specific information according to their needs and levels. In addition, the future system will also serve educational purposes and support the authorities and organizations with preventive measures and in preparation for emergency response procedures.

Project partners

  • CAE Elektronik GmbH, Stolberg
  • PRO DV Software AG, Dortmund
  • Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Institute for Technology and Management in Construction (TMB), Karlsruhe
  • Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies (IKET), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
  • Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), Bonn