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Building Robust, Integrative, Interdisciplinary Governance Models for Emerging and Existing Risks

Brief description

The project aims to develop an integrative risk governance model connecting risk assessment - management and -communication based on a resilient and discursive approach. The project takes policy learning as the central mode of operation, allowing for input across different science fields, geographical boundaries and science-policy interfaces and cases related to complex risk fields where the agreement of risk government approaches is limited.

The project is structured in three parts. In the preparatory phase the key project partners will develop a framework for risk governance learning, including classifications of risk governance situations and of social and cultural settings, criteria for `good quality' processes in governance, methods to promote learning within and across risk fields.

In the empirical work phase, six risk fields take centre stage:

  • biotechnology/stem cells,
  • radioactive waste,
  • nanotechnology
  • climate change
  • sediments
  • electromagnetic fields.

For each risk field, a learning trajectory will be organized, in which 3 workshops form the focal points. The first workshop focuses on learning about best practices across disciplines and participants within each risk field. Workshop 2 designs a best science-policy interface for each risk field. The last workshop compares, analyses and learns across risk fields resulting in an accepted governance model including transdisciplinary lessons and input from scientists and policy makers.

In the integration phase the results from the workshops and risk fields will be combined and integrated in a report (book) and a conference recommending how to handle complex and emerging risks in the form of a process scheme approach.

Project partners

  • Jaap van der Vlies, TNO, Delft, Netherlands
  • Joice Tait, Innogen, Edinburgh, UK
  • Claire Mays, Marc Poumadère, Symlog, Paris, France
  • Matthieu Craye, Joint Research Centre, IPSC/KAM (ISPRA), EU/Italy
  • Bruna de Marchi, Luigi Pellizzoni,Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia, Gorizia, Italy