Brief description
REAL_DEAL sets out to stimulate a pan-European debate involving different stakeholder groups, with the aims of reshaping citizens’ and stakeholders’ active participation and deliberation in the green and just transition. It brings together excellent research with experienced practitioners of deliberative democracy from a wide range of disciplines including environmental rights and the law of public participation, ethics and responsible innovation, gender studies and ecofeminism, psychology, geography, urban planning and applied sustainability studies. In a massive co-creating exercise, it will research, test and validate innovative tools, formats and processes for deliberative democracy. It involves the EU’s largest networks of civil society organisations active in the field of environment (European Environmental Bureau), climate (Climate Action Network), sustainable development (SDG Watch Europe), local democracy (ALDA) and the European Movement International, linking to the youth climate (YEE/Generation Climate Europe) and the social justice movement (SOLIDAR). These large networks will invite civil society from across the region to the European Civil Society Forum for the Green and Just Transition to serve as the hub for deliberation on the EDG – making full use of their networks of hundreds of CSOs and millions of citizens across the EU, as well as their established relationships with thousands of policymakers.
DIALOGIK contribution
DIALOGIK will conduct empirical investigations to demonstrate the feasibility and specific usefulness of innovative formats of and tools for citizens’ deliberation on the EGD. The tested formats will be linked to and complemented by a pan-European online multilingual deliberative platform, While certain formats, in particular, those strongly relying on digital tools, will be tested across the region, hybrid and physical formats will be tested in 13 exemplary Member States, candidate countries and countries in the Eastern Partnership.
Project partners
- European Environmental Bureau
- 16 further research organizations