Brief description
Lack of interest in natural science and technology? At least the drastically decreasing number of first-year-students in natural scientific or technological courses of studies seem to confirm such aversion of more and more young people. Moreover, studies show that subjects like mathematics, physics and chemistry are rather unpopular with most pupils.
Against this background the Regional Foundation Baden-Württemberg brought the ideas competition PUSH (Public Understanding of Science and Humanities) into being. The objective is to support new and creative projects which give pupils a better understanding of science and research. Non-profit corporations and public corporations located in Baden-Württemberg were entitled to make applications. A jury of independent experts examined and evaluated the submitted project proposals. 17 projects proved successful and are funded by the Regional Foundation.
DIALOGIK contribution
Until December 2003 the Center of Technology Assessment Baden-Württemberg (CTA) was in charge of PUSH by order of the Regional Foundation. Due to the closure of CTA DIALOGIK took over the project coordination in November 2003. DIALOGIK attends to the support and controlling of the projects and coordinates and runs the accompanying public relations work. Furthermore, it evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of the projects regarding a long-term success record and the possibility of permanence. From the results it will deduce further conclusions for future support activities of the Regional Foundation.