Brief description
Energieradar (energy radar) investigates systematically with the use of different research methods Baden-Wuerttemberg's performance in research in the energy sector, specifically research that is relevant for the energy transformation. Specifically, three major objectives are to be achieved in the project:
- An inventory and demand analysis of research conducted in Baden-Wuerttemberg for the implementation of the energy transition in all relevant research fields, including law. This analysis will include university research centers as well as private research institutions.
- Building on step one, a prospective analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the research landscape in Baden-Wuerttemberg regarding the transformation of the energy transition.
- A conclusion from the first two objectives to what changes or additions in the research field would need to be necessary to address identified weaknesses and to support identified strengths.
In a first step, desktop research is employed to systematically investigate the research programs as published on websites of the research institutions. Secondly, with a quantitative questionnaire data on research projects, cooperations, emphasis and ongoing programs are collected from a database of researchers in Baden-Wuerttemberg with an online survey. Third, gaps and open questions from the online-survey are addressed with qualitative interviews with selected participants from different research backgrounds. In a fourth step, the group-Delphi method will be employed to identify gaps, weaknesses and strengths in the research landscape and to give insights into possible improvements. Finally, the suggestions from the Delphi-group will be discussed with representatives from NGOs, policy and research to identify possible problems in the implementation of new research programs.
DIALOGIK contribution
Project coordination, Delphi-workshops, quantitative and qualitative data collection, final workshop
Project partners
- Zeppelin-Universität Friedrichshafen
- Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse Karlsruhe
- Öko-Institut Freiburg