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Concept "Societal Dialogue Bioeconomy"

Brief description

The project aims at developing a concept for a societal dialogue in the field of bioeconomy for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The approach adopted for this task combines the investigation of the status quo with identifying suitable topics and formats. Reflecting our research results regularly in workshops, we seek to achieve a learning working process that provides added value for all participants with regards both to its results and development.

Representing our comprehensive dialogue approach, two thematic focal areas constitute the core of the concept development:

  • Focal area 1 consists of the expert debate of the relevant actors;
  • Focal area 2 focusses on citizens in their roles as users and (critical) consumers.

In the context of these focal areas we investigate the key topics of the bioeconomy discourse. Then, in a next step, we elaborate target group specific dialogue formats suitable for enabling successful discussion and communication processes. As a result, we will have an overall concept embracing both focal areas. The challenge is to identify those topics allowing for integrated dialogues with both experts and citizens.

DIALOGIK contribution

DIALOGIK is responsible for analysing the status quo of the societal bioeconomy dialogue as well as for eliciting significant themes of the bioeconomy debate. Furthermore, DIALOGIK accompanies the development of the overall concept.

Project partners