Dr. Rüdiger Goldschmidt

Rüdiger Goldschmidt

Project leader of the DIALOGIK subproject MONARES Phase 2


+49 177 269 6287
goldschmidt [at] dialogik-expert.de

Current projects

Completed projects (selection)

  • Evaluation of the Meeting of Minds project (first trans-national deliberative participatory initiative in Europe) on behalf of the King Baudouin Foundation, Brussels
  • Evaluation of the European Citizens‘ Consultations Project (first European deliberative participatory initiative with participants from all European member states) on behalf of the King Baudouin Foundation, Brussels
  • „Wissen und Nachhaltigkeit“ on behalf of the Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Baden-Württemberg
  • MONARES – Phase 1

Professional focus

  • Rüdiger Goldschmidt is sociologist and has comprehensive expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research and integrative research, including meta analysis.
  • In the dissertation, he developed a criteria system for the evaluation of deliberative participatory events. The work profited from his broad experiences in the field of evaluation, including the research on large national and international participatory initiatives such as Meeting of Minds, European Citizens’ Consultation, World Wide Views I, II, III, etc.
  • His substantial research activities at DIALOGIK and ZIRIUS are focused on
    • deliberation and participation
    • knowledge transfer and development
    • attitude research on technologies and risks, but also sustainable development, including CSR
    • stakeholder governance, science and risk communication
    • interactive acceptance development.
  • Most of his projects request for interdisciplinary cooperative thinking and working. He works as lecturer at the university, consultant for organisations and he moderates events.

Professional experience and qualifications

Professional career




Since 2013

Example: BOSCH, start-ups

Example: ETH Zürich, HWR-Berlin


Independent lecturer

August 2005 at present

DIALOGIK (non-profit in­sti­tute for communication and cooperation research)

Senior Positions:

  • Coordinator of academic consortia in qualification and research
  • Project manager
  • Lecturer

February 2004 to August 2020

University Stuttgart, ZIRIUS (until 2012: „ZIRN“)

January 2003 – November 2003

Technical University Chemnitz, Chair of media Psychology and Media Sociolog

Researcher position

Academic education and degrees

  • Dr. rer. pol., economic and social sciences, dissertation at Universität Stuttgart in January 2014, appraisers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Renn and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dolata
  • Degree in Sociology with subsidiary subjects: psychology as well as economics at Technical University Chemnitz (10/1996-03/2003)

Selected publications

  • Goldschmidt, R. Richter, A., Pfeil, R. (2019): Active stakeholder involvement and organisational tasks as factors for an effective communication and governance strategy in the promotion of E-Taxis. Results from a field research lab. In: Energy Policy, 135
  • Rüdiger Goldschmidt (2017): Selection of participatory formats as success factor for effective risk communication and decision-making processes. Conclusions from a systematic empirical format comparison, Journal of Risk Research, Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 13669877.2017. 1304975.
  • Goldschmidt, R., Tomblin D. and Rask, M. (2015): The role of gender in global citizen deliberation. In: Mikko Rask and Richard Worthington, eds., Governing Biodiversity through Democratic Deliberation, London: Routledge, p. 130-151, peer reviewed.
  • Goldschmidt, R. (2014): Kriterien zur Evaluation von Dialog- und Beteiligungsverfahren: Konzeptuelle Ausarbeitung eines integrativen Systems aus sechs Metakriterien. Wiesbaden: VS Springer.
  • Goldschmidt, R., Hennen, L., Knapp, M., Quendt, C., Brachatzek, N., and Renn, O. (2012) ‘Deliberating or Voting? – Results of the Process Evaluation of German WWViews’, in Rask, M., Worthington, R. and Lammi, M. (ed.) Citizen Participation in Global Environmental Governance, London: Earthscan.
  • Schäfer, H. u. Goldschmidt, R. (2010): Corporate social responsibility of large family-owned companies in Germany. In: Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 11, No. 3.