Responsible Management of Technological Innovations for the Energy Transition – Practical Guide

The V4InnovatE project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), has released a guide aimed at assisting funding organizations, businesses, and institutes in implementing the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the research, development, and innovation of renewable energy technologies.

This guide highlights how efforts can be made within the realms of research, technology development, and innovation (RDI) to contribute to favorable conditions for the societal desirability and acceptability of technologies for the energy transition.

A central component of the guide is the indicator system developed within the V4InnovatE project, which aligns with the RRI framework. It allows for the application of RRI principles to the responsible development of research, development, and innovation in energy transition technologies.

The guide is intended for stakeholders involved in the execution or funding of RDI projects related to energy transition technologies. This includes, notably, funding organizations for RDI (such as government research financing and private foundation funding) and organizations involved in RDI activities, both public and private.

A web application (RRI-Self-Assessment Tool) for direct application of the indicator system is provided on the project's website for testing purposes. This tool enables the assessment of the degree to which essential RRI aspects are considered within planned and ongoing research and development processes, while also identifying potential areas for improvement.

Buchmann, T., Wolf, P., Dreyer, M., Müller, M., & Dratsdrummer, F. (2023). Technikinnovationen für die Energiewende verantwortungsvoll gestalten: Ein Leitfaden zur Anwendung des Konzepts der Responsible Research and Innovation. Stuttgart.