Delphi procedures can be used to make consensus and divergent expert opinions transparent, to point out possible futures and to ensure the integration of current knowledge.
The scientific network DeWiss started in November 2020 with a first virtual networking meeting. DeWiss deals with epistemological principles, methodological issues and guidelines for the implementation and reporting of Delphi procedures. Coordinated by JProf. Dr. Marlen Niederberger (PH Schwäbisch Gmünd) and Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, 20 scientists from different disciplines and epistemological approaches are pursuing the following goals in the network, which is funded by the German Research Foundation DFG: (1) Networking and promotion of young researchers, (2) profound exchange of knowledge and experience about Delphi procedures, (3) implementation of methodical tests and surveys to improve the methodical basis of Delphi procedures and (4) development of agreed guidelines for the implementation and reporting of Delphi procedures.