The BMBF-funded project RiCoRT has started
RiCoRT aims at providing a long-term SARS-CoV-2 risk communication manual, based on empirical evidence, risk communication experience and a…
You need scientific knowledge on the societal impacts of new technologies, on risks to the environment, human health, and well being?
You need scientific expertise on sustainable development or interactions of science and society und wish that this expertise includes also the perspectives of social groups and individuals?
You need a competent partner in order to develop, conduct, evaluate or moderate communication and participation processes?
Then you are perfectly right at DIALOGIK.
Scientific, dialogue-oriented, participative – these are the three essential characteristics of our non-profit research corporation DIALOGIK. We investigate complex processes of communication and interaction in the conflict-laden triangle of politics, economy, and civil society.
Our research team has special expertise in social scientific approaches and is familiar with methods and advanced techniques of qualitative and quantitative social research.
In our research we employ mainly discursive methods of investigation. This means, that we use structured dialogue in order to systematically collect information about perspectives, arguments and values of social groups and individuals and include this information into our analyses. Read more about this and our research goals and main areas of research.
RiCoRT aims at providing a long-term SARS-CoV-2 risk communication manual, based on empirical evidence, risk communication experience and a…
The basis of an informed discourse is mediation and participation. This requires an interaction between experts and citizens where diverging…
A Flu And Coronavirus Simulator (FACS) is being developed as a collaborative effort between the EU project HiDALGO and the Brunel Computer Science…
Numerous EU-funded projects on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), amongst them the PROSO-project which was coordinated by DIALOGIK, signed…
"Precaution and Innovation: Exploring Collaboratively a Significant Relationship" is the title of the first Policy Brief of the EU-project RECIPES…
In the Ruhr area, a project is coming to an end that regional actors celebrate as a work of the century: the renaturation of the river Emscher,…