Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Research associate
+49 176 84 39 42 15
tampe-mai [at] dialogik-expert.de
Completed projects (selection)
- NaBaTech Barometer for Improving the Interest of Young People in Science and Technology
- PATE Project Analysis of TEchnology Transfer
- MATRIX-OOW/DIA Speeding up the transfer of results from technically oriented basic research projects for future use by abstraction regardless of discipline
Professional focus
- Risk perception, risk communication and protective behavior in the area of pandemics and natural catastrophes
- Interventions encouraging behavioral change
- Research on technology perceptions, attitudes, and perspectives regarding socio-technical change/digitization.
Professional experience and qualifications
- Since 2021 research associate at DIALOGIK: project RiCoRT: risk communication requirements for special target groups in a long lasting COVID-19-crisis.
- Since 2010 research associate and work package coordinator Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies of the University of Stuttgart (ZIRIUS) in several research projects and consortia referring to the German Energiewende (e.g. Kopernikus Energiewende Navigation (ENavi), Helmholtz-Allianz Energy-Trans).
- 2011 University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer research associate project PATE-VA.
- 2009 - 2011 research associate at DIALOGIK in the projects NaBaTech and MATRIX.
- 2008 - 2009 research assistant at DIALOGIK in the projects NaBaTech and PATE.
- 2008 - 2015 Lecturer at the Frauenakademie (women’s academy) and Bildungswerkstätten vhs Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg
- 2005 - 2008 parental leave, personal education
- 1996 - 2005 Group leader production diagnostics, Progen Biotechnik GmbH (formerly Baxter Deutschland GmbH, formerly Immuno GmbH)
- 1995 - 1996 Laboratory assistant / technician, Doduko GmbH & Co, Sinsheim
- 1994 Diploma in Chemistry, University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim, Germany
- 1989 - 1994 Degree in Chemistry, University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim
- 1982 - 1989 Judicial Secretary, Aschaffenburg District Court
- 1980 - 1982 Training as judicial assistant, Würzburg District Court
Selected publications
- Pechmann, A., Schoof, M., & Tampe-Mai, K. (2013). PIFURRA - Pull Information From Unknown / Unfamiliar Research Results Automatically. In: Piller F., Hilgers D. (Hrsg): „Praxishandbuch Technologietransfer“. Innovative Methoden zum Transfer wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in die industrielle Anwendung. 1. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Symposion Publishing GmbH. S. 189 – 203.
- Pechmann, A., Schoof, M., & Tampe-Mai, K. (2011). Beschleunigung des Ergebnistransfers durch Abstraktion [Acceleration of the transfer of results through abstraction; in German]. Wissensmanagement: Das Magazin für Führungskräfte, 13(2), 34--37.
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