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Sound Exposure and Risk Assessment of Wireless Network Devices

Brief description

This three-year EU-project will explore health-related risks of the exposure of human cells to wireless network devices such as WLAN, WPAN, WMAN, UWB, WiMAX. The main focus of the project is the empirical inquiry of the exposure of (animal) cell structures at different scales of electromagnetic fields. The results of this research will be complemented by studies of risk perception. Therefore, there will be focus groups as well as a group Delphi process which will be informed by scientific knowledge produced in the course of the SEAWIND project. An important goal of the project is the development of a policy guide with recommendations for Risk Governance.

DIALOGIK contribution

DIALOGIK will collect the scientific results of all SEAWIND-partners and use it as material for the focus groups in Switzerland and Greece as well as the Group Delphi process. The focus groups will mainly be designed to provide data for concern assessment regarding wireless network devices. All results combined will be structured and integrated by DIALOGIK in a „Risk Governance Framework“.