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Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials

Brief description

The caLIBRAte project aims to establish a state-of-the-art versatile Risk Governance framework for assessment and management of human and environmental risks of manufactured nanomaterial (MN) and MN-enabled products. The framework will be a web-based "system-of-systems" linking different models and methods for:

  • Screening of apparent and perceived risks and trends in nanotechnology,
  • Control banding, qualitative and fully integrated predictive quantitative risk assessment operational at different information levels
  • Safety-by-design and multi-criteria decision support methods
  • Risk surveillance, -management and -guidance documents.

The risk management framework will support assessments of emerging and existing MN and MN-enabled products following the recent ISO31000 risk governance framework, as well as safety in innovation by matching models to the principle innovation steps in the "Cooper Stage- Gate®" product innovation model.

Control banding tools and quantitative models will be subject to sensitivity analysis and performance testing followed by a revision as needed. After revision the models will again be analyzed by sensitivity testing, calibration, and performance testing to establish uncertainties. After calibration, the models will be part of the framework, which will be demonstrated by case studies. Stakeholders will be involved for defining the user requirements of the framework and will receive training in the framework in the last phase of the project.

The caLIBRAte project proposal answers to the call of NMP30-2015: Next generation tools for risk governance of MNs. The project is specifically designed to address the key challenges defined in the scope of the call text. There is particular focus on model revision, calibration and demonstration of existing models and methods that support the risk governance framework in regards to safe innovation and already implemented nanomaterials. Next generation computational exposure assessment and - toxicology is anticipated in the framework.

DIALOGIK contribution

DIALOGIK is leader of WP 4 "Risk evaluation, mitigation and communication". The work package has five tasks:

D4.1 Report on workshops stakeholders' concern assessment (DIALOGIK, month 14, July 2017)
D4.2 Identification of cognitive factors in perception of nanotechnology related risks by the general public and different stakeholders (R-Tech Month 24, Mai 2018)
D4.3. Influence diagram based on mental modelling (GD, month 24, Mai 2018)
D4.4. Criteria and procedures for risk evaluation, mitigation and communication (GD, month 26, July 2018)
D4.5. CaLIBRAte decision support tools (GD, month 32, February 2019)

Further, DIALOGIK contributes to WP 1 "Horizon scanning and risk perception" for the identification of stakeholders needs and perspectives.

Project partners

caLIBRAte vereint eine interdisziplinäre Gruppe von Forschern, Risikobewertern und Industriepartnern. 24 Institutionen aus 13 Ländern und 3 Kontinenten bilden das Projektkonsortium. Gemeinsam bilden die Partner eine starke Verbindung zu den Stakeholder-Gruppen im Projekt, darunter Branchenverbände, Arbeiterorganisationen, NGOs, Regulierungsbehörden und Versicherungsunternehmen.

NRCWE, Denmark
RIVM, The Netherlands
NIA, Belgium
EMPA, Switzerland
Gaiker, Spain
GreenDecision, Italy
INERIS, France
misvik, Finland
Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale (AIRI), Italy
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
NERC, United Kingdom
DTU, Denmark
National Health Laboratory Service, South Africa
Steinbeis, Germany
Duke University, United States of America
RTI International, United States of America
eawag, Switzerland
TNO, The Netherlands
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
FIOH, Finland
University of Helsinki, Finland
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy